Monday, November 4, 2019

This is a global thing

My kids will never ever need to borrow
money. Of course, they will borrow it for the right reasons. Home ownership, car lease, vacation home, or they will borrow money and use it to make more money.

Why would anyone raise financially illiterate children? Probably because they handle money poorly themselves. The truth hurts.

Where do we even start when it comes to teaching our children about money, financial responsibility, and financial literacy? Maybe it has to start with a desire to model it our own lives.
We have to reach a point in our lives where we say "enough is enough". Every dollar we spend, we must ask ourselves: "If I buy this, what will it say in the future to my children? What will I be able to teach them about money with this purchase? "

Teaching our children can be as complex as teaching them about balancing a checkbook or as simple as putting gas in the car. Okay, putting gas in the car may not be an example of financial responsibility. Or could it be? What can we say to our kids about putting a better quality gasoline in our cars? How about "pay now or pay later? " Maybe we educate them here on the value of taking good care of our cars so as to minimize expenses later.

Maybe with each and every purchase we can find something to teach our children. Words like delayed gratification, saving, finding a good deal, or getting what you pay for come to mind.

This blog is taking a slight turn. I want kids to be good stewards of their money . I also strongly believe that by starting with our children's financial literacy , we can strengthen our own countries financial future.


As this blog grows, we will translate it into many other languages. Together, we will learn from each other as we teach our children about making good financial decisions.

And maybe, if we pay close attention and listen carefully, our children may have something to teach us about money.

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