Your credit card debt seems insurmountable. Your marriage is falling apart. Your teenager hates your guts. If the sky were falling, it might just fall on you only. Most of your friendships don't last.
Being overweight is something you just accept because the struggle is just too hard. Perhaps you are not overweight ; you just hate your body because you are always sick or lacking energy
Meeting new people is scary for you because you hate talking about your life. Not to mention your confidence level is non- existent and your communication skills are sub-par.
What am I going to do , you ask yourself. In spite of all your flaws and struggles , you still dream of some how doing some good in your life.
What you need to do is change yourself first! Change you first! Work hard on you. Start with small things and let the big things take care of themselves.
Maybe you could get a life coach or a personal trainer. A new hobby might be walking or bike riding. Don't think of exercise as something you have to do
Try fooling your brain into thinking the exercise is just a new hobby. You might just start to enjoy your hobby long before measurable results appear.
Examine your life and see what areas need improving. Above all else, seek help!!! Whether it be professional help or just a caring friend, never try to make huge changes on your own.
I have had to overcome so much in my life and I have lots of help along the way.
YOU CAN DO IT! I realize that is a cliche statement, but so what? What's the alternative. Your life continues to spiral out of control until you have no choice but to demand help.
Make the decision now that you are going to change your life. Don't wait.
Your body and your mind are worth it when it comes to putting in the extra effort.
One more thing, it's true what they say " when you change, everything changes!" While it is true that not all change is good, in your case we are talking positive, lasting change.
So do it. Change you first.
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