Friday, October 18, 2019

Share the journey

Look up personal development on YouTube and it seems everyone wants to tell the world about their personal success story. They will share how they got there and the struggles they endured on their way to the mountain top.

But very few people ever document their journey. They don't share the frustration and the sleepless nights that tend that inevitably accompany the long road to success. When we don't hear about the journey, we miss out on the failures and the pain.

What else could we call it but "pain"?
The word "journey" could easily be replaced with "struggle". This struggle comes complete with the aforementioned frustration and sleepless nights. But it also accompanied by fear, loneliness, stress, anxiety, and a dozen other emotions.

The truth of the journey to success is that is hard in capital letters!  No one really talks about how difficult it is to break away from obscurity and find your way to notoriety. Rags to riches and poor to wealthy. None of these successes happened overnight.

There were long hours, missed holidays and birthdays, missed meals, lost sleep, and a host of other sacrifices. Friendships were damaged or lost and marriages were tested or all together broken.

Ultimately, the price to pay for success is an individual one, different from person to person. However, the consensus among nearly every success story is that the journey there was not an easy one. Lottery winners, inheritances, and trust fund recipients are another story. Anything that one does not have to work for to get is ultimately unworthy of true definitions of success.

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